A Cock-Fighting & Ketum Syndicate Group That Operated Out of a Shed in Setapak Was Raided by PDRM

According to The Star, police have raided a shed in Setapak which was used by a ketum production and distribution syndicate, which also happens to operate an illegal cock-fighting ring.
After monitoring the syndicate for several days, the police launched an operation on Thursday night to raid the shed and have arrested nine men between the age of 35 and 55. The group was also suspected to be smoking ganja when the police busted in.
The area was believed to have been used for cock-fighting activities as they found twenty roosters in cages near a larger cage suspected to have been used as a fighting ring.
Wangsa Maju OCPD Supt Rajab Ahad Ismail said police seized a total of 704 bottles containing 1,056 litres of a liquid believed to be ketum water.
“We also seized three plastic packets containing at least 30kg of ketum leaves as well as three big pots used to boil the ketum leaves, three gas tanks, nine cooler boxes and two stoves. When we raided the location, several men were sitting in a group and a packet containing 5.7gm of dried leaves believed to be ganja was found,” he said.

Further investigations revealed that the men had been processing ketum there since the movement control order was announced in March.
“They were selling ketum liquid for RM20 per bottle and distributed it around Kampung Padang Balang and the Gombak area. This is the largest seizure of ketum we have made here in Wangsa Maju to date, with over RM14,080 worth of the liquid seized,” he said.
Supt Rajab ensured that the police would continue their efforts to combat the distribution and production of ketum.