Rosmah Allegedly Paid Cybertroopers RM100,000 Per Month To Protect Her “Reputation”

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(source: Kosmo)

The infamous ex-First Lady of Malaysia, Rosmah Mansor spent RM100,000 every month to pay for cybertroopers on social media platforms to defend her reputation from online slander and negative reports, according to her former-aide, Datuk Rizal Mansor.

As reported by NST, Rizal revealed yesterday on how the prime minister’s office (PMO) set up the First Lady of Malaysia (FLOM) division specifically for her immediately after her husband was appointed prime minister in 2009.

The 45-year-old witness testified that his ex-boss asked him to form a team of cybertroopers in 2012 out of concern for her image and reputation. Basically, the cybertroopers were responsible for monitoring and countering negative and critical news about Rosmah in social media.

“There [were] a lot of negative media reports against her on social media affecting her integrity, and her position as the prime minister’s wife,” he testified.

These included her expensive handbags, the lavish wedding of her daughter Nooryana Najwa Najib, her financial interests in some government projects, the use of government jets for unofficial business, as well as allegations that she was the boss of her husband and then-prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, and that she was the real #bossku.

Photograph of items collected during a raid on Najib Razak’s homes. (source: The Guardian)

According to Rizal, she was aware of the cybertroopers and he was even tasked to clarify matters related to her during the 13th general election in 2013. She was so happy with his performance that she gave him a Datukship in 2014.

He also explained that Rosmah used to be feared by civil servants and government agencies throughout the country at that time and because of that, many used to fear and respect the FLOM unit.

“Any request from FLOM was carried out without any bureaucratic hindrance. Officers feared being put in cold storage or transferred far away from their hometowns if they did not do what they were told,” he said.

Rizal Mansor (source: Malay Mail)

Rosmah is on trial for three corruption charges, namely soliciting an RM187.5 million bribe from Jepak Holdings Sdn Bhd and receiving payments of RM5 million and RM1.5 million from the company to ensure it obtained the solar hybrid project for 369 rural schools in Sarawak worth RM1.25 billion.

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