PHOTOS: You’ve Heard Of Circle Contact Lenses… But What Do You Think Of Square Ones?

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Contact lenses have been a prevalent trend, particularly among Asians seeking to amp up their looks- whether for a temporary cosplay look, or on a daily basis. Even individuals with vision-related issues can opt for these accessories with power lenses that allow you to see better while keeping up with the latest beauty trends.

Trends come and go, but one of the other reasons why contact lenses remain so popular is that new varieties of them are introduced from time to time.

Right now, we have a wide array of options including, but not limited to, coloured, anime-inspired, SFX and doll eye lenses which allow you to tap into your alter ego almost seamlessly.

Image via Myeyebb

So what’s all the fuss about now, you ask? Well, the hot new thing for lens enthusiasts is square-shaped contact lenses, which go over your entire pupil, making it appear square.

The mere novelty of the lenses may be adding to its hype, but whatever it is, it’s undeniable that these are pretty interesting to look at…

And before you ask- yes, these are real! is a popular site that markets various types of lenses, including these square ones for $19.98 (around RM89) to cater to your curiousity and aesthetic needs.

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These bizarre lenses work just like the usual ones and come in different colours with a variety of eye powers. They’re also worn the same way, and the clear rim surrounding the coloured square shape that shows up on the pupil is round, allowing it to sit comfortably on the eye’s surface like regular lenses.

source: Reddit

Quite surprisingly, they also don’t look too odd at a glance. This model makes it look almost natural, in our opinion:

source: Myeyebb

But if you’re keen on trying these lenses on for a look that truly stands out from the crowd, pairing them with manga lashes can make for that sought-after, cartoonish and unique vibe.

source: Blogtuan

All in all, even if square contact lenses are not your thing…

You have to admit that the innovation behind it is quite admirable. After all, just a few years ago, this was all but a vision…

It’s also noteworthy that lenses of several other peculiar shapes and forms have come around, one of the most popular being heart-shaped lenses, a bold look for cosplayers and perhaps, hopeless romantics.

And it doesn’t stop there – this e-commerce shop based in the Philippines sells hello kitty lenses as well!

Does this mean we could be headed towards a world where cat-shaped pupils are the new beauty standard? Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

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