Treat Yourself to After You, Thailand’s No. 1 Dessert Café is in KL Till 18 December

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Have you ever lined up for an hour just to fulfil your craving for some Shibuya Honey Toast? We have, and it’s worth it every single time. But it’s not just any Shibuya Honey Toast, it’s After You’s Shibuya Honey Toast.

Any of After You’s desserts are to die for, and Malaysia is in luck this week because they’re having a pop-up café at Mines with this year’s Big Bad Wolf Book Fair. Talk about two birds with one stone.

After You’s pop up café will only be around until 18 December, operating daily from 12pm to 1am. But hurry, because they’re only serving up to 1,000 servings per day.

One of the franchise’s Thai branches. (source: Travel Foodie)

After You, the most popular dessert café in Thailand, is famous for their Shibuya Honey Toast and Strawberry Kakigoori, both of which are available at the pop-up.

Bring your friends so you can at least try three of these desserts at once and not feel too guilty about it afterwards.

Still thinking if this dessert pop-up is worth the trip? Here are some pictures that’ll help make up your mind.

After You’s famous Shibuya Honey Toast. (source: GoodyFeed)

After You’s signature Shibuya Honey Toast is a block of buttered bread diced up into nine pieces, drizzled with honey, and topped with two scoops of vanilla ice cream with whipped cream on the side.

Strawberry Kakigoori. (source: Carrie Sim)

Under the scorching Malaysian heat, you might want to stop for something refreshing. The Strawberry Kakigoori is your saviour. It’s cool shaved ice topped with strawberries and strawberry syrup, and surprise cheesecake bits inside.

Here’s a glimpse of their menu featuring the café’s most popular Toast and Kakigori desserts:

Shibuya Honey Toast (RM27)
Nutella Toast (RM29)
Strawberry Cream Toast (RM34)

Thai Tea Kakigori (RM34)
Milo Kakigori (RM32)
Strawberry Kakigori (RM38)

Kill two birds with one stone, head down to The Mines for good books and Instagram-worthy food!

Rumour has it After You might just open a permanent store in Kuala Lumpur in the offing! Follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

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