691 New Cases of COVID-19 Reported Today in Malaysia, Highest Ever Since Pandemic Began

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source: JUICE Malaysia

The Ministry of Heath reported 691 new cases of COVID-19 today (6 Oct), marking the highest spike in new cases since the pandemic began earlier this year.

The total number of cases in Malaysia now stands at 13,504 while active cases are at 2,936. Number of recovered cases is at 10,427 and the death toll is 141.

Health Director-General Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham, who earlier announced he was under self-quarantine, delivered the message from the Ministry of Health’s headquarters.

His speech was follow by Prime Minister Muhyiddin’s address to the nation which was broadcasted from his home on Facebook Live.

The PM called for vigilance from the rakyat in dealing with wave of new cases while denouncing accusations of double standards when it came to the issue of quarantine amongst politicians, stating that he himself has gone through quarantine twice including his current quarantine after returning from Sabah.

The PM said that the areas which have been badly affected by COVID-19 are currently under Target Enhanced Movement Control Order (TEMCO) and will closely monitored.

Interstate travel, except for Sabah, will still be allow until further notice, and advance notice will be given before any interstate travel ban is implemented to give ample planning time.

As for Sabah, the state will close its borders on 12 Oct until 25 Oct for two weeks to curb the spreading of its clusters.

At the end of his address, the PM stressed that enforcers will be deployed to public areas and the fines and penalties for breaking SOPs will be enforced more strictly regardless of any rank or status of those at fault. He remarked casually in Malay at one point, saying that he could not spare the rod this time,

“Maaf lah, jika Abah ini mula menggunakan rotan sekarang.”

source: JUICE Malaysia

The PM also reminded the nation that despite the numbers, we can still flatten the curve, “We did it once, we can do it again.”

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