12 y/o Steals Mother’s Credit Card, Ends Up In Bali For A Vacation Alone

Usually after a big argument with our beloved parents as a kid, we would just sulk in our room and starve ourselves to sleep. But not this Sydney kid right here. In a report by The Guardian, a 12 year-old Sydney boy stole his mother’s credit card, tricked his grandmother into giving him his passport and flew to Bali after a fight with his parents.
The boy (who has not been named for privacy) stayed in Bali for four days living the luxurious life. After being told that he could not go to Bali by his mother, the boy managed to book a cheap flight that allowed 12 year-olds to fly unaccompanied. He also booked a 3-night stay at 4-star hotel, All Seasons.

He told his family that he was heading to school, when in reality he rode his razor scooter to the nearest train station and travelled to the airport. He registered himself by using the self-service terminal, boarded a flight to Perth then another to Indonesia.
His family realised that we has missing after the school called stating that he was absent. After scrambling to find him, his parents were shocked to discover he was in Bali. His mother, Emma immediately flew there to collect him.
The 12 year old told A Current Affairs that he was only questioned once at the Perth airport when staff asked him for identification to prove he was over 12.
“They just asked for my student ID and passport to prove that I’m over 12 and that I’m in secondary school. It was great because I wanted to go on an adventure.”
In Bali, he checked in to the All Seasons hotel, telling staff he was waiting for his sister to arrive.

Emma said the boy doesn’t like hearing the word “no”.
“Shocked, disgusted, there’s no emotion to feel what we felt when we found he left overseas,” she told A Current Affair.
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