12 Local Talents Gather to Create 12 songs In 12 Hours to Address Societal Issues

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In line with Sime Darby Arts Festival’s theme of You, Me + The Arts this year, the festival will be rolling out a satellite event called ‘…And the Curtain Rise’ where 12 singer-songwriters will be paired up to write 12 brand new songs in 12 hours on issues affecting the society that they feel and care about.

With names likes Aina Abdul, Brendan De Cruz, Beverly Matujal, Dickson Chai, Endee Ahmad, Fuad of Kyoto Protocol, Isaac Ho, Melissa Toh, Nick Davis, Otam, Priscilla Xavier and duo Shir Ling & Jacq Teng, expect a good time of fun and amazing original compositions at this stunning event, which complements YSDAF 2018’s theme of relating the arts to people and vice versa.

“Think speed dating, singer-songwriter style,” says co-producer of the show, Ian Chow. “Unlike speed dating, the singer-songwriters have no choice but to make it work whether sparks fly or not because they have to premiere these new numbers to an actual audience when the 12 hours are up. And if that is not nerve-wrecking enough, it will be recorded live and made into a CD,” he adds.

In an effort to be more inclusive, YSDAF will expand its reach to people in different communities like the disabled, the underprivileged, schools and others. This is an extension of YSD’s work under its Community & Health Pillar.

“…And the Curtain Rises” is a part of a string of satellite events leading up to the 2-day festival in August. Entry is free, but only one a first come first serve basis. Read up more about on the official website here

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