World Wide Which?: Time Wasters

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The internet: Offering new ways to pretend like you’re hard at work (when you’re really just pissing about) since 1992.

Text: June Low

Kongregate |
If you’re serious about that promotion, stay away from Kongregate. Its colossal collection of games will kill most of your day before you know it. The site runs on a point system so you’re really working hard to “level up” in a virtual environment, rendering it ultimately pointless.

Failblog |
Step aside, KPI; enter The Chronicles of Failure. From the silliest of tweets to newspaper headlines, fashion faux pas, videos, photos and even Facebook updates, Failblog fulfils your need for distraction.

Awkward Family Photos |
The best way to get over the horror of your own family photos is to laugh at other people’s.

Hencam |
A new way to check out chicks while being cooped up. Knowing that someday a lot of people would be stuck at the office for hours, these guys decided to set up a bunch of webcams and point them at their chickens to provide live coverage for entertainment. While you’re there, why not hug a chicken? You can also send virtual hugs and e-cards from the Hencam or buy cool chicken stuff in the shop.

Horse with Hands Riding a Bike |
These drawings involve an incredibly high level of skill. People from all over the world are constantly training to master it, so they’re always submitting their latest drawings for a chance to be featured on the site. Check it out, then share it with your neigh-bour.

For some inspirational thoughts and honest opinion, check out our next posting on Food For Thought…

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