witness the birth of LL COOL A

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He kept on hinting at it, but well, there you go: we dullards weren’t ready anyway. Altimet, onetime founding member of the Teh Tarik Crew, opened the evening’s proceedings at the Anugerah Planet Muzik in Singapore last week. With a whole contingent of traditional Javanese dancers, and the ever-delectable Mawar Berduri of Ahli Fiqir supplying the hook, the self-proclaimed King of MY and First Among Equals (no false modesty with this gent here, oh no) ripped up the stage with a live rendition of his breakout solo hit, ‘Sayang Sayang/She’. Class.

Oh. Did I mention he was clad from head to toe as LL COOL J?


Check out the fly boom box, yo! 

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