Win Tickets To Watch The Social Network

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Ever wondered about how Facebook became part of our lives? Or how could anyone come up with an idea like that? Well, The Social Network is the story of Facebook and it’s creator Mark Zuckerberg. Drawn from multiple sources, the film moves from the halls of Harvard to the cubicles of Palo Alto as it captures the visceral thrill of the heady early days of a culture-changing phenomenon in the making – and the way it both pulled a group of young revolutionaries together and then split them apart. JUICE has 3 tees and 15 double passes (for the movie which screens at 9pm, Monday 8 November 2010 @ Hall 9, GSC 1Utama) to give away.

To win a pair of tickets, just answer the question below:

What would your life be like without Facebook?

To enter, e-mail your answer to [email protected] with the subject header “The Social Network Contest”.

The closing date for entries is Tuesday 2 November 2010. All winners will be notified by Thursday 4 November 2010.

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