Win Tickets to MC Jin in My Dream Concert!

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As you all know by now, Hong Kong-based Miami rapper MC Jin will be coming over to KL to bring the house down in May! MC Jin will make you learn Chinese if you’re either a banana (shame on you!) or non-Chinese with, well, ‘Learn Chinese’. But if you’re already a Chinese-speaking local, expect MC Jin to get you bumping to banging tracks like ‘ABC’, ‘Hong Kong Superstar’, ‘Getting Rich’ and ‘See You At Hong Kong Coliseum’. He’ll be joined by DJ Quickie from the US, promising a truly huge, rhythmic hip hop concert for all us Malaysian fans!

Date Friday 4 May 2012
Time 8.30pm onwards
Venue KL Live

Being the purveyors of all things cool and hip, JUICE has 3 pairs of tickets to MC Jin in My Dream concert! And guess what? Each pair is of different values; we got a pair of Rock Zone tickets worth RM340, a pair of Upper Tier tickets worth RM280, and a pair of Lower Tier tickets worth RM200. To win one of the three, just answer this very simple question;

Q: How do you think MC Jin will bring the house down?

The best answer will receive Rock Zone tickets, runner-up and second runner-up will receive the Upper Tier and Lower Tier tickets respectively.

Send your answers in by Tuesday 24April 2012 along with your full name, IC and handphone number with the subject ‘MC Jin Live in KL’ to [email protected]. Winners will be announced on Thursday 26 April 2012.

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