Win a Pair of Passes to Upfront Arena Pres. Foals
Looking to repeat that Laneway Festival Singapore moment, or just a huge fan who hasn’t had the chance to watch Foals yet? We got your back! Upfront was kind enough to supply us with 10 pairs of passes to the inaugural Upfront Arena – the gig series magnified into a full-on concert series. Foals are Yannis Philippakis, Jack Bevan, Walter Gervers, Edwin Congreave, and Jimmy Smith, together the band’s music is a kaleidoscope of post rock inclination, funky riffs, moody codas, and dance punk ditties. With a sophomore that was heralded as a modern classic by some, and a follow-up album that was almost as highly acclaimed, Foals is the perfect band to kick off Upfront’s ascension to something bigger than just a gig series at a hip restaurant.
Upfront Arena Pres. Foals
Date Tuesday 4 March ‘14
Time 8pm
Venue KL Live
JUICE‘s got 10 pairs of passes. To win a pair, just answer the question below;
Q: What is the ideal moment to have ‘Spanish Sahara’ played as the soundtrack to your life?
Send your answer before Monday 24 February ’14 along with your full name, IC, and handphone number with the subject ‘Upfront Pres. Foals’ to [email protected]. Winners will be notified immediately via phone and e-mail.