Wild Beasts

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You might wonder what schoolmates Hayden Thorpe and Ben Little were drinking when they decided to name their band. Despite its savage imagery, Wild Beasts are more intellectuals than party animals.

The indie pop quartet’s novel-like lyrics and catchy tunes have already won them a spot on Domino Records’ roster. Thrope’s soldier-rough falsetto vocals carry those hard to reach melodies over guitar riffs like a boozed up Mika while the band jams away.

Like a British Modest Mouse, songs like ‘Brave Bulging Buoyant Clairvoyants’ off debut album Limbo, Panto are extremely catchy and danceable but maintain a bookish intellect. Perhaps the greatest thing about Wild Beasts, is that they don’t take themselves too seriously, although they could with lyrics that included “conundrum” and “Brylcreemed” in the same line. Ooh. Clever.

Find out how savage Wild Beasts are at www.myspace.com/wildbeasts

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