White Lies: Unfinished Business
What’s with kids and gloominess these days? Well, JUICE might not get it but White Lies does. The young trio from West London has managed to capitalise on that void left behind by Joy Division.
On their debut album To Lose My Life Jack Brown (drums), Charles Cave (bass) and Harry McVeigh (guitar, vocals) are looking and sounding good in black. Formerly known as Fear of Flying, the band namechecked Talking Heads as a major influence. But after listening to ‘Death’, they remind us more of Echo & the Bunnymen with modern The Killers-ish synths. White Lies’ first single ‘Unfinished Business’ was recorded almost back-to-back with ‘Death’. It was released in 2007 on vinyl 7″ format with only 500 copies pressed. As buzz grew, they were approached to record a full album which has recently hit the #1 spot on the UK Billboard Album Chart. Keeping the indie kids happy these days is serious business.
Drift over to www.myspace.com/whitelies and take care of ‘Unfinished Business’ (Fiction/Polydor).