What Went Down: Fuze KL Official Opening

Part of the reason why we wanted to check out new club Fuze was because it was located in the same lot as the now defunct Capricorn – the club JUICE held our 12th anniversary. Yes, a tad sentimental of a reason to pay a club a visit. Still, we didn’t feel any sense of mourning or loss when a new establishment called Paramount has taken its place. Fuze is located just behind the big cube that is Paramount; from a distance, it has a slight Grecian temple appearance – a lone white concrete erection in the gravel car park.
When we entered the premises, it was immediately evident that the new club did not receive any renovation. The club was bare and still had the cheap ceramic tiles adorning its floor. The balcony was still bordered by gaudy, decorative metal fences that you can find in many suburban homes. The inspection continued as we walked up the stairs – one of the few carpeted surfaces – where we were surprised to find that we were stepping on yet another tiled floor, but the upstairs would be fancier, of course, because they were in a mosaic pattern! But one of the positives of the barren space was the affordability of free space for patrons. There was no need to wedge pass unmoving groups of friends and silent creepers, and it was simply just more space for dancing.
We realise that we’ve been complaining about the interior design of a club, but first impression matters. Don’t worry though, Fuze still has confetti aplenty, laser lights at the ready, and made-up young blood preened and primed for action. You can go ahead and check out Fuze and be the first among your group to report whether it’s up to par with your clubbing standards.
Fuze KL’s official opening went down on Friday 18 March ’16.