What Went Down: Converse Acts of Disruption @ Grafa

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Image Nadia Jasmine Mahfix

For the Subang leg of the Acts of Disruption tour, Converse takes over hipster paradise, Grafa. With ironic thick rim glasses aplenty and pompadours bouncing about to the music, it was an intimate set with Akta Angakasa, Nao and I/Am/Rain at the back of the cosy little bike shop.

Grafa, Subang was the second stop for the five-city tour of Acts of Disruption, which started in Penang. The free gig started at 6pm, which had us groaning a little thinking that we’d have to walk out in the middle of the gig to get some dinner. But we were delightfully surprised with a little barbecue corner parked at the back of the venue serving up some freshly grilled lamb and the sort .

For a free gig, the Acts of Disruption tour really pumped up the ambience. Not only was everyone able to get really close to the bands performing, but for those who just wanted to chill out at the back, there was a little modern day shadow play treat that was being projected on to the side of the shop. Thinking it was just a video projection, we paid no mind to it, but upon seeing people actually moving the paper cut outs behind a projector, we couldn’t help feeling impressed by the attention being paid to the little things by the concert organisers.

There were stories of Akta Angkasa’s set being cut short during the Penang show due to time constraints, so we were pretty glad that they got to perform they’re set in its entirety this time around. Nao, with their punk charged grunge indie mash up, grabbed the attention of the younger audiences, schooling them, and weeding out the posers from the real music enthusiasts. But I/Am/Rain took the cake, closing the gig with a rousing performance with audiences screaming senselessly for more.

There’s still two more Acts of Disruption stops coming up this month. 2 June will see Johor being infiltrated, while 9 June, the party will be coming back to the Klang Valley in KL. The venues for both gigs are still a mystery (yeah, they’re spontaneous like that) but stay up to date with the deets we’ll provide below.

This event happened on 19 May at Grafa, SS15, Subang Jaya. For details on the Converse Acts of Disruption tour, visit www.conversemalaysia.com. Click here for more pictures of the gig.

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