WATCH: Woman Shocked To Receive Negative Comments For Helping Her Neighbour To A Temple For Prayers

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A Malaysian woman was shocked after receiving negative comments for sharing a video of her giving her neighbour a ride to a nearby temple.

Nadia Farilla uploaded the clip on TikTok recently where she was waiting for her neighbour, Shaloo, who can be seen entering Nadia’s car with the temple visible in the background.

@naddyfarelMungkin Hari Ini Esok Atau Nanti – Anneth

Nadia through the video said that Shaloo initially asked her to only drop her off at the temple but Nadia on the other hand, decided to wait until Shaloo finished her prayer.

After posting the short clip, Nadia was shocked by some negative comments from social media users.

“So, at first, when I started getting negative comments, I deleted it right away, I refuse to debate the issue because Allah knows my intentions was to help one another.

“When I’ve received a comment asking, ‘Have you referred to an Ustaz before sending her to the temple?’ I was shocked,” she said, adding that she decided to delete negative comments on her post.

Nadia said she insisted on waiting for Shaloo until she finishes her prayers because she was worried about Shaloo’s safety, since it was almost 10pm and the distance between the temple and their house is about three kilometres.

“When she came back from the temple, she was excited to share about what happened at the temple and their prayers that night. She also thanked me for helping her.“

Nadia and her family are close with Shaloo, and Nadia’s mother often cooks for Shaloo because she lives alone.

Nadia’s TikTok video has been viewed over 400,000 times with many positive comments.

“It doesn’t make you a lesser Muslim, but it’ll make you a better Muslim,” commented a netizen.

“This is our Malaysia. Don’t let anyone ruin this beautiful relationship of our country,” another wrote.

I don’t know about you, but I thought this was just a simple act of kindness being twisted the wrong way. We could all use a little more kindness.

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