Watch This : Diplo’s ‘Set It Off’ Feat. Lazerdisk Party Sex

“Strippers in space”, this is what sums up Diplo’s music video for his latest single featuring Lazerdisk Party Sex (try saying that 5 times as fast as you can) ‘Set it Off’ off the Express Yourself EP. Directed by designer cum animation aficionado Ryan Staake and his crew at Pomp&Clout, The two set to work to deliver a visually appealing experience. This time around, Diplo brings out the glitzy shoes and shiny poles as well as some perfectly toned thighs to represent his track ‘Set It Off’, and it is certainly bound to set some certain moods off (Especially for us here at JUICE).
Known for his unconventional music videos, Diplo & director Ryan Staake construct the greatest Stripper Pole ever: a towering, seemingly endless pole that extends through the cosmos and surely on into heaven, thanks to this video, we may finally know the answer to how many strippers it takes to get to outer space.
Catch more of Diplo’s swanky tunes at his label site here. Wanna check out more of Pomp&Clout’s visuals? Have your fix at