WATCH: Former Keyboardist of Local ’80s Band Headwind Performs at KLCC PPV Centre

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Source: JKJAV

Since the world became restricted due to Covid-19, the performing arts industry came to a halt and had no choice but to close its curtains as everything moved online.

Kudin Ramly a former keyboard player of a popular band, Headwind in the 1980s admitted that those who are in the industry have been affected very badly since last year.

He also shared that he had to do different kinds of work including venturing into the business world in order to put food on the table.

Source: JKJAV

Speaking to Berita Harian, “Since the pandemic started last year, I lost my source of income when the government put a restriction on live performances.

“As musicians, we get our income by performing at clubs, concerts and other gigs. When this situation happened all of a sudden, the impact is pretty bad.

“After a year of not working, my income is slowly decreasing. To continue living, I did everything I could including starting a business. Luckily for me, I had relatives and friends who’ve helped me along the way.”

After almost a year of not working, Kudin was recently given the chance to be a musician again as he was offered a spot to be in a performing band at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre – one of the mega PPV centres.

Source: Berita Harian

The project is organised by Persatuan Pemuzik Malaysia (PPM) with the help of The Special Committee on Covid-19 Supply (JKJAV) and The Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC).

Kudin thinks of this golden opportunity as a seed of hope for musicians in the future.

“I have not performed in public in such a long time. When this opportunity came, I said thank you to everyone involved for making this programme possible.

“This programme will definitely help musicians come alive again,” he said.

Hoping this programme will continue, Kudin is calling all musicians affected by the pandemic to join the organisation.

“I am begging fellow musicians to join us. We can’t afford to fight on our own. We have to face this situation together.”

Watch the performance held at one of the PPV’s here:

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