WATCH: M’sian Couple in S’pore on a Mission to Raise S$280,000 to Save Their Premature Baby

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Source: Giveasia

A Malaysian couple working in Singapore are trying to raise S$280,000 (RM865,989) to settle ongoing medical costs for their premature baby in Singapore.

According to Bernama, the request was made by Che Hou, father of the premature baby called Baby Jero, through, a free fundraising platform for people to raise funds for their causes in Asia.

Since the due date of the baby’s arrival was set to be in July, Che Hou and his wife had plans to come back to Malaysia in time for the baby’s birth.

Source: Giveasia

On April 9, Che Hou’s wife was rushed to KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital as she was suffering from abdominal pain followed by amniotic fluid flowing out.

Speaking to Bernama, Che Hou said, “I immediately rushed her to KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Due to the emergency, the doctor immediately performed caesarean to bring my baby boy out in order to save both the mother and the baby.”

The baby’s organs are not fully developed and is currently under observation for 101 days at Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

Source: Giveasia

Che Hou also said that they are still struggling to pay the medical bill despite already paying part of it with their savings.

“It’s very difficult for us to cope with this huge amount of the medical bill, we have used out our savings to clear part of it but the bill is still continuously increasing,” he said.

According to Che Hou, with the observation expected to last for at least two more months, the estimated cost for the stay is around S$230,000 to S$280,000.

Funds raised for Baby Jero will be managed by Giveasia Kindness which will go to KK Hospital to clear off Baby Jero’s medical expenses.

Giveasia Kindness also did a video interview with Che Hou, explaining more on the matter. Watch it below:

If you are interested to help Baby Jero, you can donate here.

As of 5:15pm, S$254,738 of S$280,000 has been raised.

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