WATCH: Azmyl Yunor Takes On Corruption in His New MV ‘Penghasut Blues’

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Azmyl Yunor & the Truly Asia in action. (image: Brigitte Rozario)

Bangi-based troubadour Azmyl Yunor has always been a voice of reason within our local music scene. Whether it’s tackling a broken heart and mind or a broken political and social system, Azmyl doesn’t mince his words or overshadow his narrative wisdom with a flashy social media presence.

In his latest music video, he is seen taking on corruption or perhaps, giving his take on corruption–which is not a pretty sight.

For the song ‘Penghasut Blues’ which is the opener of his album John Bangi Blues, Azmyl Yunor with his band (the Truly Asia) consisting of Ammar Khairi (The Maharajah Commission) on drums and Kristopher Chong (Salammusik) on bass, deliver a bluesy punk rock track punched with angst and anxiety over the political climate of Malaysia.

Watch the video below:

The music video is the fourth collaboration with film director We Jun – the first being the do-it-yourself special effects driven music video for the troubadour’s country folk sleeper hit ‘Charity Lane’ back in 2013 which featured a cameo by indie chanteuse Liyana Fizi.

“It’s always exciting to get a call or message from Azmyl to collaborate; he obviously has a clear direction and vision for each music project, but is at the same time open to exploring new ideas and experimentation,” said We Jun on their ongoing creative chemistry.

John Bangi Blues album cover.

“With a minuscule production budget, and only a rough idea of how we might be able to technically pull off the rapid-fire sections which punctuate the music video, we set out to shoot Penghasut Blues MV with a handful of volunteers and our mutual friend, Tapai, a former producer-actor, who had stepped away from the industry a few years back.

“The end result is what you see on screen. Yes, it’s a little shoddy, and a little rough around the edges (read: indie). But it’s also high energy, high passion and doesn’t take itself all too seriously. After all, isn’t that Punk Rock,” said the film director.

Listen to and get Azmyl Yunor’s latest album John Bangi Blues on Bandcamp or e-mail Azmyl at [email protected] for a physical copy.

Keep up with the man on Facebook and Instagram, and subscribe to his YouTube.

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