VIDEO: Idola Fori’s ‘Lore’

Just out a couple of hours ago, Idola Fori’s debut music video and song, ‘Lore’, is a five-minute-long introduction to what the Hong Kong-based film project-slash-electronic duo is about. To be blunt about it, an overture to the band’s lore if you will, which in their own words is bass-y, eerie music born out of Malaysian Sherin Siew and Disuye (label) founder Dan Findlay’s shared interest in “sci-fi, language, epistemology, introversion, wilderness, philosophy, opiates, and trees.” True enough, the drone-shot video epitomises those descriptors as it hovers over a path surrounded by canopies (sometimes drenched with luminescent streaks), occasionally switching to ground level as it stalks a sole figure walking through the forest, all in a hazy, opium-induced hue of a colour filter. With an intention to release new materials every few weeks or so, you can expect more from the band in the offing.
Watch the video below:
Follow Idola Fori on Facebook here and Instagram here.