VIDEO: Grimes’ ‘Go (feat. Blood Diamonds)’

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source: Grimes

Who woulda thought Grimes and Blood Diamonds would attempt to sell a song to Rihanna? While that could have been something, we’re glad that she passed on the track so that Grimes could give it a go herself. Okay, so a good lot of her fans thought she went full retard with the track due to its EDM trap-inspired chorus, but there is something about the self-directed video (co-directed by her brother under the production name Roco-Prime) that elevated it right back to the unadulterated, pure ADD pixie electronica that is the Clare Boucher you were familiar with from before. Claiming that the video is her interpretation of Dante’s Inferno, ‘Go’ is set to visuals of a post-apocalyptic desert that references everything from Mad Max to Yoshitaka Amano-designed JRPG art. 

We love it.

More on the pixie Canuck here.

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