VIDEO: Foxlore’s ‘Devil Made Me’

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source: foxlore

When the video fades into the bleak opening scene where we meet the four members of local indie rock band Foxlore, it is undoubtedly apparent that its style of animation is reminiscent of Of Monsters and Men’s ‘Little Talks’, albeit this video having significantly less swashbuckling action and dramatic sequences. Though it lacks those loud aspects, the video definitely does not disappoint at maintaining your intrigue. As the foursome trudge through heavy snow, one by one, each member would morph into grotesque mythical creatures while still wading on their (hind) legs. Many questions pop up during their journey to nowhere: Have they incarnated into devils perhaps? Where the hell are they going? Is this testing our spiritual capacity/theology? However you’d get distracted from all that inward reflection, as the bleak landscape darkens further and the music becomes heavy and slow as it dips into an anti-climax. Then, the guitars and piano keys come back as the song slowly picks up its momentum; the vocals swell as Foxlore finally reach their destin(y)ation.

Watch the video below to find out what’s that “light at the end of the tunnel” of a tease.

More information on Foxlore here. Their music can be found here.

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