VIDEO: Basement Syndicate’s ‘Where Did You Go’

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source: Basement Syndicate

Ever been plagued by an extreme sense of longing for a person that you’d almost make a pilgrimage to find them? This video illustrates the emotional abstraction of that feeling. Set in the city, a guy (yes, that’s Moslem Priest) in an unflinchingly Malaya hipster garb — seemingly starring in his own elaborate dream sequence — stands motionless atop the roof of a high rise building. The song begins with him making his way downstairs, multiple times. On his journey downwards, he bumps into (and freezes) various people who are making their way upwards. In the day time, there’s a teddy bear-clutching girl and a sandwich-gobbling dude trying to lose weight, at night, there’s the usual crawlers of smartphone-limbed suited man, young expatriates, and a drag queen.  The music trudges along heavily with the drums and the spacey elements, soundtracking the main subject’s perpetual descent. However, like some kind of Twilight Zone episode, he’s forever circling the 19th floor (take notice). Eventually, he exits into an entirely different sequence with instrument-toting masked men, possibly mocking his lengthy search for someone.

Watch his perplexing pilgrimage below:

More on Basement Syndicate here.

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