VIDEO: Actor Diego Luna Wrecks A Wall in New Corona Ad

Doom is nigh since Donald Trump won the election last night. The inescapable tensions, protests, anxieties have ensued, but there are many who have urged to remain calm and take the route of acceptance and peace. The tone of which is reflected in Mexican beer company Corona’s latest ad called The Wall, staring Diego Luna – the indie film bae who’s starring alongside Felicity Jones in the upcoming Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. It begins with the context, “All of us are angry at the wall that the mad man wants to build.” Then, the campaign focuses on the metaphorical wall in our minds, the concrete manifestation of not chasing your dreams, putting blame on others, and shaming others for their success. Diego, though, does take a wrecking ball to a real wall and it is gratifying to watch its destruction.
Watch the video below:
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