Tun M Reveals PH Made “All Kinds of Promises” Because They Did Not Expect to Win GE14

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(Source: FMT)

Pakatan Harapan promised a lot of changes before GE14 including some tall orders like abolishing the tolls, so it’s not unusual that citizens are still skeptical of their new government.

In their manifesto known as Buku Harapan, Pakatan Harapan pledged to fulfil 10 key promises in 100 days. Today marks their 97th day. So how’s their progress? Well, apart from the abolishment of GST and investigation into scandals and mega-projects, they seem to have a long way to go.

(Source: Channel NewsAsia)

As a whole, the coalition made a lot more than 10 promises during their campaign period and tenure of governance thus far (remember the Child Bride issue?). According to The Harapan Tracker, a non-partisan initiative by the rakyat to keep track of PH promises, only a handful of janji have been ditepati, with 110 of 555 promises in-progress, and 11 promises already broken. 🙁

source: The Harapan Tracker (https://harapantracker.polimeter.org/)

As reported by Malaysiakini, in a closed-door meeting on Monday (13th August), our Prime Minister, Tun Mahathir revealed that Pakatan Harapan have been having trouble fulfilling their campaign promises because they did not expect to win in the election and came up with more promises than they could handle.


At a dinner gathering of Pakatan Harapan and Parti Warisan Sabah MPs, our PM spilled the beans that due the aforementioned reason, the new government is having difficulties in achieving its manifesto pledges. The news portal also quoted “several sources” saying Tun M warned of a possible backlash.

“Actually we did not expect to win, we made a thick manifesto with all kinds of promises… We need to make sacrifices to fulfil our promises. If we can’t fulfil them, we will need a good reason that is acceptable to the people. If we fail to deliver on our promises, the Opposition will use it against us and we may be defeated [in the next general election]”, said the nonagenarian according to Malaysiakini‘s “sources”.


So anyway… just another day in New/Old Malaysia. Just remember, while they say you shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep, Rome wasn’t built in a day as well.

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