Too Young To Love
Despite supporting The Big Pink live recently, Too Young To Love (also a Big Pink song title) is still a pretty new name. A small band with a big sound, they’re currently making waves with their majestic synth-driven buzz outs.
Imagine being stranded alone in the middle of a forest by your tribe and sent on a vision quest to bring peace to the village. After your peyote-induced hallucinations kick in, you sacrifice many wild beasts (some of them talk to you before getting axed) to the Gods. Although from Italy, TYTL is mystical enough to soundtrack this Native American experience. Surreal and dreamy, they come close to MGMT on a warpath with art noise outfit Health. Recently signed to EMI and currently recording their debut album with Luke Mourinet (Scissor Sisters/The Killers) as well as collaborating with UK fashion designer Komakino, TYTL are a band wisely living up their youth.
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