This is Real, Trump Postpones Fake News Awards

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Whilst certain parts of the world are continuously suffering from terrorism, inequality, and hunger; Trump decides to use his big man powers to divert our attention into watching the most important political event of the year, the Fake News Awards, which pays tribute and high-key shade to all those he considers corrupt and biased within the Mainstream Media.

If this doesn’t sound anymore ridiculous than it already is, poor Trumpster had to postpone this ‘highly’ anticipated event to the following week, on a Wednesday, 17th January 2018 from the initial date, Monday, 8th January 2018. We actually wonder… where does he find time to come up with these ideas? There are hundreds of serious world issues out there for him to think/learn about.

The Fake News Award show was coincidentally supposed to run on the same date as the 2018 Golden Globes award. But judging by that sentence itself, you can obviously tell why he’d postpone it.


Since the statement itself seemed like a joke, a few of our favourite late night hosts couldn’t help but jump on this bandwagon, throwing themselves in with the “For Your Consideration” campaign in the hopes to achieve this “honourable” prize – with The Late Show host, Stephen Colbert, who calling the awards as The Fakies and putting up a billboard of his campaign at the Times Square, categories as “Fakest Dishonesty”, “Smallest Button”, and “Least Breitbarty” included.

Later, Trevor Noah from The Daily Show ran his own ad in the New York Times by adding some spin on it saying that his show is so fake, even the ad isn’t real.

Here’s Jimmy Kimmel’s take on Trump.

As for the selection process of these potential honours and who from the press will be in attendance, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders remained mum about the whole information of it. So I guess in the mean time, let’s take our heads out of the gutter and focus on something that’s actually relevant to us in this world.

This news was gathered from and

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