The Wknd is Calling Out All Aspiring Artistes!

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The Wknd, ever the altruistic internet-based and multimedia platform, has brought The Wknd Recording Fund programme to life as a helping hand for Malaysian independent artistes to record, produce, release and market the recorded material in physical and digital formats.

The Wknd clearly understands that not all independent musicians can afford to record, hence, coming up with the funding programme to enable local talents to channel their talent with much guidance, which will improve the quality of Malaysian-made music in the long term.

To kickstart the programme, the Wknd Recording Fund are calling out for demos until 5 April 2013 – to be exact, 11:59pm. Only one artist will be called in for a recording session, where studio and engineering, audio recording equipment as well as CD costs will be fully sponsored by The Wknd itself. The final product will be released and distributed through The Wknd’s online store as well as various events and festivals that The Wknd partakes in.

If you’re interested, all you have to do is fill in this form and upload an original track of yours on The Wknd’s SoundCloud dropbox. However, if you’re still curiously itching for more details, click here.

For more information, head on to The Wknd’s official website.

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