The Weekend Japanese Film Show Pres. Haru’s Journey
Haru’s Journey is centred around a young Japanese woman who lost her job and is in the midst of persuading her grandfather, Tadao, to migrate from their current place of residence — a small harbour-side village in Hokkaido — to Tokyo, a city she imagines to have better opportunities awaiting her. Her grandfather has been comfortable with being a fisherman for too many years that he refuses her offer, which then results in arguments and Haru’s attempt at locating her grandfather’s siblings in hopes of one of them would take care of him. Judging by the trailer, the movie focuses on hardships dealt personally and within a household unit — lots of feelings, essentially. Haru’s Journey has won a few awards from Mainichi Film Award, Japanese Film Critics Award, and various film festivals. If Hollywood is getting increasingly blasé, here’s an opportunity to catch an international flick. And yes, of course it comes with English subtitles so you won’t be (too) lost in translation, you goddamned pleb.
Watch the trailer below:
Date Saturday 9 January ’16
Time 3pm
Venue Content Malaysia Pitching Centre, KL
For more information, click here.