The Uniform Project, 1 dress 365 days

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Meet Sheena Matheiken. Starting from May 2009 she has pledged to wear the same dress every day for a year. At first impression, JUICE thought she was fighting for a cause to save water by wearing the same thing everyday but on closer inspection, Sheena actually created The Uniform Project to exercise the idea of sustainable fashion.

The dress for the project was designed by Sheena’s fashion designer friend, Eliza Starbuck. Mad props to her for designing a dress than can be worn in so many different ways. The inspiration came from one of Sheena’s dresses when Eliza improved on the shape and fit so as to add seasonal versatility. The dress was made from a durable, breathable cotton and designed so it can be worn both front and back, and also as a vest with deep hidden pockets for purses.

There are 7 identical dresses for each day of the week. Sheena will try to reinvent the dress in any way she can by adding layers or using accessories that are mostly vintage, hand-made or hand-me-downs. According to Sheena, “Think of it as wearing a daily uniform with enough creative license to make it look like I just crawled out of the Marquis de Sade’s boudoir.”

The Uniform Project is also a year long fundraiser for the Akanksha Foundation, a non-profit organisation founded in Mumbai that has devoted college students who volunteer to bring education to slum children. Sheena puts a dollar in the fund jar for every daily post of herself wearing the dress in different ways.

If you would like to participate there is a Make A Donation section on Sheena’s site and by donating accessories or pieces of clothing, you could help keep her inspired. There will be special shout outs for those who are fashion or jewellery designers as she would be thrilled to wear your original pieces to complement with her ensembles.

Go to to check out her daily creations and to find out more about helping a child get an education.

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