The Movemint 2nd Anniversary Jam @ Envy
Rap battle Think You Got Skillz? is no stranger to KL’s hip hop scene. Voted JUICE‘s Best Live Event (small room) in 2008, with some of the best hip hop acts lined up for the occassion, we couldn’t possibly miss this celebration.
I arrived early to find DJ Ideaz, Illsteez and The Movemint creator, Vandal lacing Envy with killer hip hop tracks – and by that I don’t mean pop tunes by Pitbull or Akon, mmmkay? The night saw acts like King Lhota, Kraft and of course, Vandal taking the stage. Global City’s Tatsuro and SonaOne also took the floor by storm with their delivery of live beats -  I totally dug it.
There were breakdancers, beatboxers and MC battles went down. Heck even pole dancing was strangely incorporated into the night, much to the pleasure of some of the crowd. Ahem. Some awards were passed on to some of The Movemint’s biggest cats.
Newcomer Nadhira debuted material from her From Malaysia With Love EP with a live set, and with that performance proved herself to be a leading lady of rnb in Malaysia. I can’t wait to see see what else she has in store for us.
It was pretty disappointing to not see the rest of the hip hop fraternity at the event though – This is your scene too! Show some support y’all – but I did bump into Figure of Speech, DJ Cliq of The Rebel Scum, Saph and DJ Jocular of SSK, David Tee from Kartel Records, JUICE DJ Quest turntables finalist DJ Guiboo among others. Sadly the reception felt lukewarm, despite the number of acts that have graced The Movemint stage before this.
Still, that could just be the nature of the more ‘underground’ events, where attendance and support is unpredictable. If you’re not in the big clubs, its an endless hustle. After 2 years, The Movemint deserves a whole lot more. JUICE salutes The Movemint, Vandal and anyone else that gives a damn for making it happen – if it weren’t for them, you’d only get schooled on hip hop according to the radio. Pow!!
The Movemint 2nd Anniversary Jam was held at Envy, Solaris on Saturday May 8. Rap your way over to for more and go check out more pics in our gallery.