The Most Ridiculous Penalty Shot in the History of Football

Ah, football. Something you don’t see us pale-indoor, creative-types talking or writing about everyday, but nevertheless, a sport that has been a part of our collective Asian identity as much as our love for rice.
Ever since Maradona’s Hand of God, diehard and casual fans alike have been fascinated with one-of-a-kind goals/flukes. The latest score of which came from an under-18 cup match last Saturday between Bangkok Sports Club and Satri Angthong. With a 2-2 score prompting an epic shootout that ended with 20-19, the unbelievable shot that gave BSC the win came at the final moment.
At first, it seemed like all was lost as the penaltytaker shot the ball into the centre of the crossbar. The keeper, who had dived full-length to his left, took note of his good luck and began to run towards his teammates to celebrate, as his opponent bowed his body in shame.
But as they say, “The ball is always round” and that applied till the very last second of this match as the ball, which rocketed skyward, returned to earth and fell backwards into the goal. By the time the keeper noticed this, it was all too late.
Hence, sports have taught us another valuable lesson today – don’t run to your teammates to celebrate, let them come to you. Hey, who’s the one that made/saved the goal anyway?