Tenderfist’s Latest EP Is Out Now!

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Our favourite local synth pop group Tenderfist have just unleashed their brand new EP This Wasted Heart. Produced by the band and Zulhezan, the EP has 3 tracks with a music video of their latest single ‘This Wasted Heart’, a collab track featuring the lush vocal of (ex-Lucy In The Loo frontwoman and Couple-filler) Hana Abd Aziz.

The EP sounds so good that we couldn’t stop tapping our feet to it. Maybe you should get wired to it too and join us on this breezy, happy ride.

Apart from the single and an upbeat instrumental track, ‘Everything’s Gone’, the EP also features a 10-minute alternate version of their previous single ‘It’s Sunday, We’re Alive’. Pure auditory joy, it is!

Read no more. Let the music do the talking. Check out their music video for ‘This Wasted Heart’ featuring Hana Abd. Aziz. Yay or nay?


Get hooked to Tenderfist at www.tenderfist.senipekik.com.

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