Syed Saddiq Announces His New Political Party With The Hashtag #MUDAsudahMULA

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(source: Malay Mail)

Move over, boomers! According to The Star, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman has formally sought the registration of a new political movement, known as Malaysian United Democratic Alliance, or in short, MUDA.

Using the hashtag #MUDAsudahMULA, which translates directly to “MUDA has started” and indirectly to “the youth (movement) has started”,  the Muar MP shared a TikTok video which prompted speculation that the political party will be announced soon. There were also several youth leaders that were tweeting using the same hashtag, outlining their hopes for the new generation of politicians.

Skip to today, he was seen at the Registrar of Societies (ROS) headquarters submitting the application for MUDA.

Syed Saddiq, who served as Youth and Sports minister during the Pakatan Harapan administration said despite the name, the party will not limit the age of its members. He said,

“This party will represent all levels of society, regardless of race, religion and age. This party welcomes those who share our ideology, idealism, understanding and our struggle. MUDA will be a party for all races and religions, whose leaders will be a majority of young individuals… To fight for the interest of middle Malaysia”.

(source: The Star)

Speaking to Malay Mail, Syed Saddiq stated that MUDA is Malaysia’s very first youth-led, multi-racial, multi-religious political party “to fight for the interests of all Malaysians – young and old, Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban, Kadazan.”

He reiterated that MUDA will not just be a party for young people by saying, “It should be opened up for all age categories but the policies which we bring forward will be different… the vast majority of leaders who we field will be young and we no longer want to limit the voice of young people.”

He claims many have indicated interest to join the party. Saddiq said,

“They are keen to bring new politics into the country so that we will no longer be bogged down with old politics that has made it difficult for us to move forward.”

For now, it is unsure if he will be the president of MUDA as Saddiq said he would announce the party structure later.

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