Sweet Site: Style Kandi

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There’s a new kid on the block we call the internet. Meet Style Kandi, a spot for style inspiration and trend setting. Find out what the cool kids are ‘liking’ these days…

Basically Style Kandi is an online aggregator of trends. Think Lookbook.nu, but no apathetic alt camwhores and overly hipster outfits vying for your approval. It’s more a bit of everything – from fashion to music, to cool sites and photos. So this could potentially be a great source for not only inspiration, but in making decisions with how to properly invest your hard earned cash.

As with all crowd sourcing type thingys (technical term), it really depends on the taste of the users to make it work. So we took Style Kandi for a test drive. After posting a photo of a cat in a suit and garnering 7 likes, we have to say we approve.

Style Kandi is still in beta testing mode and will be fully launched soon! Check out the site if you have a password, or head to the facebook page.

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