Stunts 4 Swag @ Bukit Jalil Recreational Park

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For those who think the battle of man vs. gravity is best fought on top of wheels, Stunts 4 Swag was a day of blood, sweat and an exhibition of KL’s finest street style skating. The old adage that “it’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt” didn’t seem to apply, as the spills were almost as entertaining as the successes. Thankfully everyone walked away that day, for the most part, unharmed.

The day started off at the top of the Bukit Jalil recreational park. Even though it’s the first time the competition has included skateboarders, they showed up in strong force. The preliminary round was composed of 5 heats of skaters and bladers who faced off on opposing ledges. From here the judges decided who were the top riders to make it to the finals.

The finals moved down to the bottom of the park to a set of stairs and rails, separating the boys from the even younger boys. With equal parts mind-blowing moves and massive bails, this part of the competition kept the crowd on its toes. As the skaters tried to jump the stairs, the rollerbladers took to the rails to show off their skills in coordination and cat-like agility. I just want to point out that I’m not a skater or blader, and my aversion to pain prevents that from ever happening, so please forgive the lack of technical terms here.

While most left with bruises, shame and questions over future procreation, two emerged victorious, with swag and RM1000 each. All in all another solid street style competition from the people over at Wheel Love. Check out the rad video of the event below:


Stunts 4 Swag took place on 23 October 2010 and Bukit Jalil Recreational Park. Check out the gallery here.

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