SSK: RM Rap Melayu (Rogue Squadron)
A 7-track EP with one funny interlude, don’t diss cos this is a tight album. Short for Serius Selamba Krew, SSK consists of 2 MCs and one DJ who roll with the monstrous Rogue Squadron crew.
Given who these boys hang with, no surprise Rap Melayu bears a tight production and wicked rhymes which remind of The Rebel Scum. There’s a dope line-up of guests too, including Indonesia’s Krytik who kills it on ‘4 Bintang’ with his machine-gun spits. And then there’s Dizzy & The who adds dreamy whimsy on ‘Chenta’. SSK even incorporate joget elements into ‘Cemburu Kerana Rindu’ which samples a traditional Indonesian song. On the ‘Atuk Merah Bersuara’ interlude, the boys’ humourous side is obvious. SSK’s debut proves to the music industry that there’s still hope for hip hop.
Listen to: ‘Chenta’
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