Spilt Botz

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2009 seems to be the year of bad news. Short of a month and a half to 2010, the duo DJ Jonvu and MicHoh that make up the Eclectic Botz have decided to part ways. If you are a fan, JUICE is sorry to be the bearer of such sad news. So what is the future fate of these DJs? Only time will tell. Here we give you the news, straight from te Botz’s mouth.

Dear all,

We here Eclectic Botz would like to inform you that Mic Hoh / DJ
Michoh / MHMH is no longer with Eclectic Botz team.

Due to internal issue he is no longer be part of the team and any
issue / news / claiming from him are not official.

Eclectic Botz is still moving on with more and more projects, events
and collaboration with brands, medias and industry scene acts.

All official statements and announcements which related to Eclectic
Botz are only from this email ([email protected]),
Facebook (facebook.com/eclectic.botz) and Myspace
(myspace.com/eclecticbotz) only.

The team is undergoing reconstruct position and legal documentation
progress(brand & company registration).

Thanks for your time and your support throughout the year.

warm regards,

Eclectic Botz team.

For more info, log on to www.facebook.com/eclectic.botz or www.myspace.com/eclecticbotz. If you have questions or protests you can email them at [email protected]

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