Speak-A-Boo Challenges You

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Could you survive a day without your gadgets? No phone, no iPad, no laptop. To be honest, we would pretty much flop around lifelessly because that’s how much we value our electronic communicators.

But that’s what’s going down on at the Speak-A-Boo event this February. Organised by the students from Raffles College of Higher Education Marketing and Management, they have come up with a ploy, a devious but good-for-the-soul plan.

Speak-A-Boo will challenge participants to a day without technological gadgets, or at the very least, by keeping the usage to a minimum. Aimed at creating awareness towards the lost art of face-to-face communication as we advance further and further with technology, they have conjured up a fun and technology-less day of activities. From interactive games to shopping to food to F&B, it definitely won’t be your normal mundane Facebook day. Not only that, you’d be supporting a charitable cause as CLAPAM (Cleft Lip and Palate Association of Malaysia) will be present at the event.

Venue  Raffles College of Higher Education
Date Saturday 2 February 2013
Time 11am-6pm
Ticket RM15

For more updates on the event, check out their Facebook page or their Youtube page.

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