Soundscape Records Pres. The Observatory + MoE

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source: The Observatory

Get ready because Singapore’s The Observatory and Norway’s MoE will be putting on a show at Free Space @ Kakiseni next month. Thanks to Soundscape Records, the two acts will be dropping by here on their Transitions Asia Tour 2014. The Observatory has come a long way since the group’s inception in 2001. With an experimental style, the group has gone through many transformations in their musical journey thus far. From dabbling in folk electronica to avant rock, their latest approach features a sound that is reminiscent of dark wave, evident in their fifth and latest release, Catacombs. Recognised for their legendary live performances, MoE never fails to keep a crowd moving, rocking out to their explosive sets. It will be the progressive rock band’s first visit to Asia and we’re pretty sure fans here can’t wait to get a taste of their energetic instrumentation. Comprised of drummer Joakim Heibo Johansen, female bassist cum vocalist Guro Skumsnes Moe, and guitarist Havard Skaset, the trio is more than prepared to present a high-powered performance.

More details are available here.

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