Sounds Of The Stratosphere, Soundtrack To The Jump

How many of you caught Felix Baumgartners stratospheric jump? Now how many of you were watching Felix Baumgartners jump wishing there was background music to his descent towards earth? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one living in a movie world, so were the guys at the Red Bull Music Academy, who had put together an imaginary soundtrack to the event that kept the world on the edge of their seats while a man leapt from the edge of the earth. Aching to know what those tunes are? Here ya go!
‘Live at SonarSound 2012’
Global Communication
‘Space Is The Place: Sun Ra Special’
David Nerattini
‘Live at The Forum Theatre’
Galaxy 2 Galaxy
‘Fireside Chat’
Manuel Götsching
‘London Belongs To Me’
The Orb
‘Fireside Chat’
‘Fireside Chat’
Jeff Mills
‘Live at Movememnt 2011’
Space Dimension Controller
‘Fireside Chat’
Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry
‘London Edition’
Steve Reich
What would you have added to the stratoplaylist?