Solid Gold First Anniversary Party

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source: Solid Gold

Solid Gold at Pisco Bar is the perfect adult playground for trendy locals; with its superb soundtrack, wide selection of alcoholic beverages, and bricks that resemble bars of gold under the glowing lights.  Solid Gold feels like stepping into an ’80s music video (minus the afros and questionable outfits) thanks to the modern disco-esque sounds of Bunga, MrBacksounds, Robotron 5000, and Phil K Lee.  This month, the regular night is throwing their first anniversary party to celebrate all the crazy times that have happened behind those brick walls since its humble beginnings.  So head on down to Pisco Bar this month because — at the risk of sounding cheesy — the event is sure to be gold.

Date  12 September ’14
Time  10pm
Venue  Pisco Bar
Cover  Free Entry

More information at Solid Gold’s event page

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