Durians Scared Germans Into Thinking There Was A Gas Leak & 12 People Were Sent To The Hospital

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(source: KL Foodie)

It’s either durians are too powerful there in the west, or they’re just weak.

No shade though because according to CNN, a mystery package – which they later found out was full of durians, led to 12 postal workers being sent to the hospital while others were evacuated from the post office in the town of Schweinfurt, Germany.

The situation got so out of hand that six ambulances, five first-responder cars and two emergency vehicles were rushed to the post office after workers reported the pungent smell.

(source: Betreuungsdienst BRK KV Schweinfurt FB)

At first, they taught it was a gas leak but later determined the package was a delivery of four Thai durian fruits, sent to a 50-year-old resident by his friend in Nuremberg.

Around 60 staff in the post office were then asked to evacuate the building before the package was examined by the authorities. As for the 12 postal workers, they received treatment for nausea and were taken to the hospital as a precaution.

As Malaysians, we love our durians and while we might be happy it’s durian season right now, it’s funny to think that the creamy fruit is causing chaos in another country.

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