Sin City: A Dame to Kill For Red Band Trailer

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source: Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

The 2014 San Diego Comic-Con just ended over the weekend, and that could only mean one thing – red band trailers! One that caught our attention is, of course, the sequel to the Frank Miller graphic novel adaptation, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For.

It’s been close to 10 years since we last returned to Basin City, and this year, together with the usual suspects of Mickey Rourke (Marv), Bruce Willis (John Hartigan), and Jessica Alba (Nancy Callahan), they take the screen with newcomers Josh Brolin, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Lady Gaga, Jeremy Piven, and more. The Sin City movie franchise, spearheaded once again by director Robert Rodriguez, explores the famed graphic novelist Frank Miller’s renowned series further, focusing on the second book of the same name and adding its own original story in the process too.

True to the author’s name and the series’ (unintentional) pastiche nature, the red band trailer is filled with the kind of inane machismo you’d expect from Miller; scantily-clad girls, ninja sh!t, cars, guns, and cringe-inducing macho dialogue. All of which are topped off with a particularly horrendous soundtrack. But hey, can’t hate on what appears to be a self-aware self-parody.

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For is tentatively set for a local release on Thursday 16 October ’14.

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