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For a guy is still in his teens, Shazet is already one of the most sought-after beatboxers in KL right now. Shazet discovered beatboxing from watching Joel Turner in Australia sometime towards the end of 2003, but it was only in early 2007 that he took it seriously.

Musically, Shazet finds inspiration from a wide range of people like Uztaz Akhil Hayy, Busta Rhymes and P.Ramlee. Shazet is currently working on his mixtape, which is recorded in his studio cum bedroom. It will be dark and heavy, yet natural. (The music, not the bedroom.) The mixtape will feature acts from Australia, Bosnia, Barbados, UK, USA, Singapore, and of course our very own Malaysian crew. Shazet has performed beyond our shores in Australia, even going on to dominate the competition, emerging the Melbourne Beatbox Champion. Woot! He recently did his thang at Sunburst KL 2009, later admitting to JUICE that he enjoys feeding off the crowd. Besides beatboxing, Shazet is also working on his upcoming comic book with a colourist, he is hoping to release the comic book to Japan and around South-East Asia.

For new on his next gigs, comic book or tracks from the mixtape, keep yourself locked onto the hip hop fueled Watch out world!

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