Say Bye to Boring Souvenirs and Hello to Cool Malaysian Merch From The Apom Store

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It’s common for outsiders to associate us with the Petronas Twin Towers, durian and maybe even missing airplanes, but a true Malaysian knows this country is more than that. Breathing Malaysian air means breathing the scent of freshly cooked food from your neighbourhood kopitiam, and also mingling with your friends that come from ambiguous backgrounds because rojak, right?

To capture that quirky spirit we know and love, The Apom Store creates well designed Malaysian products that go beyond landmarks and icons, so you have gifts to bring to your loved ones that is uniquely local.

The Apom Store carries its own brand Apom (which stands for A Piece of Malaysia), as well as other names like Pantun, Rojak Culture, Bingka, Fit Rebel, and Noox.

Here you’ll find adorable knick knacks like the popular Pantun pins worth keeping, while the Apom shirts are made for those who wish to wear a truly Malaysian statement loud and proud. Take a look at some of the bold T-shirts that are ‘punny’ yet aesthetically pleasing below:

Shop these items and more at their Publika, The Curve, or Nu Sentral Mall branch. You can feast your eyes on pretty graphics via their Facebook page here and Instagram

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