Saving The World In Style

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Watchmen…. We are family…

Watchmen opens in March and already we’re wetting ourselves over the hype. We guess we’re not the only ones as legions of nutty fans have been mailing us, requesting for sneak previews and any other goodies that we might have the privilege of feasting our beady eyes on first.

Apart from the mind-blowing effects and out-of-this-world storyline, the main characters that make up Watchmen are a sight to behold themselves. JUICE recently got a hold of a few publicity shots, and of course, we’d like to share them with you… So here they are in full superhero glory!

Doctor Manhattan… argh! this isn’t a sun-tanning machine!

The Comedian… who’s laughing now?

Nite Owl… owls are way cooler than bats…

Rorschach… need a light?

Silk Spectre… semi-squats in flaming rooms… it’s the new dance-craze…

Old Skool… check out the groovy customes…

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