RM1000 Pizza

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Get your bibs out and wipe that drool off. No, the extra drool won’t come from the pizza but the price instead. We’ll tell you why. Werner’s at Changkat Bukit Bintang recently introduced pizzas to their menu. Another step in enjoying life as they put it. When it comes to food, Werner’s have no holds barred. Especially in creating a 1000 ringgit pizza.

The 1000 ringgit pizza is one of Werner’s pizza highlights. Ever tasted luxury in your mouth? Get a slice of luxury as the pizza is topped with caviars, lobster sashimi, crème fraiche and aragula 1000. That is enough to bling up a pizza alright. Luxury and bling don’t come instantly so this pizza is only available by booking 48 hours in advance. Talk about class. And yes, the pizza costs a whopping RM1000.

Another of Werner’s signature pizza is the Tuna Sashimi Pizza. Expect marinated tuna sashimi slices with Aragula on tomato sauce and mozzarella combined with the exotic flavours of 20 year old Balsamico and truffle oil. Sinful goodness with just one bite.

Werner’s brings a whole new level of class to food especially something so ordinary like a pizza. If those two signature pizzas didn’t catch your eye, there’s always the conventional Margherita, Bolognese or smoked duck breast, smoked salmon and air dried beef for the more adventurous.

So would you spend RM1000 on a pizza that smells and taste rich? Tell us if you’ve tasted it!

If you’re still hungry and want more than just pizza, head on down to www.wernerskl.com for a look at their menu and wine selection.

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